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ADHD info/resources


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So dd was just officially diagnosed with ADHD (yes she's only 3 ???). Since this hasn't really been on my radar with all the studying I have done about SPD (she has also been diagnosed), what would be some good resources, internet or book, that will give me more than just what is ADHD. I would like to learn about drug options since they were suggested and also natural things that can be done to help her. Also are there any good educational resources especially for the pre-k arena? Basically help me educate myself so I can advocate for my dd.


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My first question is who diagnosed her with ADHD? I TOTALLY believe it can be there in young kids but I also feel that you need a specialist to diagnosis---esp. in young kids and adopted kids who have a host of other possible things going on.


What mainly are you seeing with her? How is she day to day? Was she an infant adoption or through foster care? Do you have any history on the birth parents of ADHD, mood disorders, bipolar, depression, drug/alcohol use/abuse, etc.


I ask all these things as there can be other things that LOOK like ADHD but are really other things and then the treatment was be VERY different. For my own daughter, she was ADHD to the MAX with hyperactivity. Well, it was really more she was manic from the bipolar and once we treated the bipolar the hyperactivity got WAY better. For other kids it might be due to fetal alcohol or drug exposure, sleep issues, etc.


If you feel comfortable sharing more details, we would love to help you out.


I woudl look into the Omega 3 fatty acids as they are great all around. We use Country Life Omega 3 mood but she would have to swallow a pill for that (which my kids at 3 had no issues with) otherwise http://www.omegabrite.com has a good children's liquid.

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My first question is who diagnosed her with ADHD? I TOTALLY believe it can be there in young kids but I also feel that you need a specialist to diagnosis---esp. in young kids and adopted kids who have a host of other possible things going on.


What mainly are you seeing with her? How is she day to day? Was she an infant adoption or through foster care? Do you have any history on the birth parents of ADHD, mood disorders, bipolar, depression, drug/alcohol use/abuse, etc.


I ask all these things as there can be other things that LOOK like ADHD but are really other things and then the treatment was be VERY different. For my own daughter, she was ADHD to the MAX with hyperactivity. Well, it was really more she was manic from the bipolar and once we treated the bipolar the hyperactivity got WAY better. For other kids it might be due to fetal alcohol or drug exposure, sleep issues, etc.


If you feel comfortable sharing more details, we would love to help you out.


I woudl look into the Omega 3 fatty acids as they are great all around. We use Country Life Omega 3 mood but she would have to swallow a pill for that (which my kids at 3 had no issues with) otherwise www.omegabrite.com has a good children's liquid.


She was diagnosed through the school district by a school physcologist. We are currently waiting for a referral to the medical child development clinic because basically every time we have told our doctor about our dd's behavior/hyperactivity we have been ignored. I am not surprised by the diagnosis necessarily but I feel that the biggest issue with dd is Sensory Processing Disorder, she is a sensory seeker. While she could very well have ADHD I want to be educated so I can advocate more appropriately. There is a possibility the diagnosis is more for the ability to serve her through the school district early childhood program but the psycologist really seemed sure that she was ADHD.


Symptoms include energy higher than any other child we know. She has times often when she honestly seem totally out of control of her body. She is very busy all the time unable to focus on toys mostly just runs around the house making messes. She is extremely impulsive to the point of if I say don't touch she will. If she sees something or wants to do something she does without thinking. She is not a very good listener and can be prone to dangerous activity. She is able to sit and listen to a story, watch tv or right now she is very involved in cutting paper in to tiny bits. Another list of symptoms is here http://welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=208234 This is why we believe she has SPD.


My dd was adopted from birth and we have no birth history other than a verbal indication of no alcohol, drugs or cigarettes from birth mother. We do believe her especially regarding drugs.


I would love to know more about ADHD so I can "check" the diagnosis before I go to the medical route especially since she is only 3. Most of what I find on the internet is so simple, ie list of symptoms and very little about what it could look like at 3. I will admit life is hard with her and very little I am finding seem to be helping so we are searching for whatever assistance we can find to help her be the amazing little girl we know she is.

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