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Literary Lessons from the Lord of the Rings

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Literary Lessons from the Lord of the Rings



For those that complete the extra unit studies, how do you handle the extra works? Do you take a break from the LOTR books to read them? Do you read them alongside the LOTR books? Do you only read the excerpts included in the notes?


I'm trying to put a schedule together, but I'm getting hung up on the extra units.



AllSmiles :)

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It is great to hear how other people are handling these extra texts. I have the newest edition of the book so the lessons plans were included. The lessons plans are what confused me though. For instance, on Day 80 it says you may want to have your student read Macbeth at this point. I wasn't sure if we should just read that book on the side, or take a break from the LOTR books to read it.



AllSmiles :)

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For instance, on Day 80 it says you may want to have your student read Macbeth at this point. I wasn't sure if we should just read that book on the side, or take a break from the LOTR books to read it.


Ah. We've read several children's versions of Macbeth (Beowulf, King Arthur, etc.) over the years, and we discussed what we remembered of the story. Reading the full version just isn't gonna happen right now. If I could create a 10th-12th grade English program for someone else to execute with ds, there would definitely be some Shakespeare in it.


We do additional reading based on our history subjects. There are only so many hours in a day and only so much I want to drag ds through.


This is not really relevant, but may I share it here? LOTR is my favorite book of all time. Because of that, ds rolls his eyes at any mention of it. We listened to the Hobbit on tape years ago in the car. When it ended, he said, "That was a really good book, Mom. Does that author have any other stories?". I said, "Well, as a matter of fact, ...". His eyes started rolling immediately. We did listen to LOTR on tape a few years ago, but ds did not show much enthusiasm. So, this year, I gave him the choice of LLfLOTR or some online English class. He chose LLfLOTR, but has been rather unenthusiastic. We finished 1/2 the book by Christmas. When we picked it back up again this week, all of a sudden, he can't put the book down. He started and finished book 4 (of 6) and is well into book 5 already. :hurray: It's just the reading, not any of the other work, but still... One of the hardest things for me has been reading so slowly. I like to just pick up the book and not put it down again until I've read to the end.

Edited by Sue in St Pete
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