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Library vent ... or In Which the Library Serves Mental Twinkies!

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They started doing this at my library a few years ago, right after they installed a wonderful, new state of the art computerized card catalog that had made it impossible to find books. Of course books aren't being checked out - people can not FIND the books through a search of title, author and sometimes not even subject. How can they check out books that don't show up on searches (even when they know a specific name, author, etc.)?


Oh, but there ARE phantom books listed in the system. You request them and they take up space in your request bin (which is limited to 15 requests at a time or less) but never come because the library doesn't really own them.....


They began clearing out all books that were written pre-1980's, but they're not replacing them! The shelves have been half empty at all branches for about 5-6 years now!


It's completely ridiculous....


But why would anything linked to any form of bureacracy make sense?

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