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science and math sources for dh?

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DH is doing some studying on the side for a possible change in career, he is wanting to study Algebra, Chemistry and Physics right now. He's looking for textbooks. His public schooling was poor and he did not have chemistry and the only math he had was intro algebra, so high school texts will be fine.

I don't know much about what's available, but I've heard good things about Teaching Textbooks so we might start there for math?

We have the chemistry project book but I don't know how good the Wiley study guides are or if there's something else we should go with.

We're looking for secular sources. Thanks :)

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Hi, Sarah--


Depending on how well your dh wants to learn chemistry and physics, I might wait until he is further along in math before starting chemistry, and definitely before starting physics (unless he's going to do "conceptual physics").


Chemistry--at least a solid college-prep high school level chemistry--requires a grasp of algebra. Physics (beyond "conceptual physics") needs even more math, preferably algebra 2 and at least some trig (and even better still, calculus, although most high school physics textbooks don't require calculus).


Also, you mentioned Teaching Textbooks in your post. Teaching Textbooks is great if a student needs every step of every problem explained. If a student doesn't need explanation in that much detail, then there are a wide variety of other great algebra textbooks available.

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The Lial mathematics series may be the most appropriate for your husband. They are written for remedial college students in a consumable workbook fashion. There are lots of examples and problems--the word problems often apply to situations with which older students are familiar.


It really doesn't matter if you buy older editions which are very inexpensive.


Good luck to him.



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