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Need to make muffins - please share a healthy recipe

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I am hoping for a recipe that excludes white sugar and uses fresh ground whole wheat. Preferably without lots of fu fu ingredients.


Oh yes, and please post only those that taste good. All my choices are met with groans from the family. I made Laurel's kitchen ones from her cookbook and my men were drooling...tntil they ate the very hard muffin that seriously lacked flavor, lol.



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I love making muffins! Here is my favorite for this time of year.


Cranberry Orange Muffins


2 cups flour (see note below)

1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 salt

3/4 cup granulated sugar (or 1/2 cup agava syrup)


1 cup dried cranberries

1/4 cup chocolate chips (if you want)

1/4 slivered almonds(if you want)


1 egg

1/4 cup olive oil

3/4 cup orange juice


In small bowl, conbine wet ingredients.

In large bowl, combine dry ingredients by sifting.

Leave the cranberries, chocolate chips and almonds to add at the end.

Breifly add the wet and dry together, do not over stir.

Add the cranberries, chips and almonds at the end.

Bake at about 400* for about 15 minutes until toothpick inserted comes out clean.


If you google "Chef Brad" you willl find a recipe for Wonderflour....it is barley, spelt and brown rice put into the grain mill. It is tender just like white flour but has all the whole grains but remember to add in extra if you do use it. I have had huge amount of success with the combination but you can make these muffins with freshly milled whole wheat as well. Remember to add in extra if you do use Wonder flour.


As far as recipes that do not have white sugar or exotic ingredients, truthfully, I can't help there. Agava is wonderful but I would consider it exotic and pricey. I guess maple syrup would work but it is costly as well.

I do a lot of trial and error so not many of my recipes are repeats....this one is a tried and true! I hope you give the Wonder flour a try. It is surprisingly successful!




I had a hard time finding the recipe when I just went there so here it is!!

Here is the way to make Wonder Flour:

1 part spelt grain

1 part brown rice

1 part barley, pearled

Mix the grains in a bowl and grind on the lowest setting in your grinder.

To use I have found that for every 3 cups of white or wheat flour I need 1/2 cup more of Wonder Flour.

Here is exactly how I do it:

I take 2 cups of spelt, 2 cups of brown rice, and 2 cups of pearled barley. I mix them up in a bowl and than I grind them in my grinder on the lowest setting. When I bake I substitute the flour in the recipe with my Wonder Flour, using about 1/2 cup more for every 3 cups of flour the recipe calls for.

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here is a recipe for breakfast bread, but it would make really yummy muffins too. i kind of "guesstimate" measurements, but i'll try to be as accurate as possible:


- about 3 cups of whole wheat flour

- a handful of ground flaxseed

- a tablespoon-ish of cinnamon

- a hit of baking powder & baking soda ...maybe a 1/2 teaspoon each??? i'm not sure exactly (but you could use a pack of yeast & a pinch of salt probably)


whisk dry ingredients together


- in separate bowl, mash 2 ripe bananas.

- add about 1/2 cup of molasses (give or take).

- 1/4 cup of vegetable oil (about-ish)

- teaspoon-ish vanilla

- 1/4 - 1/2 cup raisins

- walnuts to your liking ...chopped pecans are yummy too!

- add cut up apple if you're so inclined


mix all ingredients with your hands. if it's too dry, i just add almond milk to thin it. i've also used almond milk pulp & that works pretty good too. anyway, i'm pretty sure that's everything i do.


cook on 350 degrees for about 35-45 minutes. because i never use exact measurements - the time will vary. it should be firm to touch.


i hope this makes sense. it's a very dense bread. i cut it up and refrigerate it in a ziploc. my husband loves them as snack bars when he's on the go & they've been kid tested and approved too. they're vegan friendly too.




ETA - i made this recipe up...so feel free to add & delete items. i'm constantly doing that with it & it gets better each time!:)

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