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7th grade daily plan


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I am entering new territory. I have 5 kiddos. We do alot of group work together, but I think we have reached a point that I can give alot to my 7th Grader to do independently. She seems bored when we are all together, so I am going to give her as much to do on her own that I think she can handle. However, follow through on my part is going to be tricky. (If she can get by with out doing something she will)


Does anyone have a daily or weekly checklist, planner, list of assignments, etc they would like to share? I am looking for something that I can print out to give her each week or day?

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My oldest is also 7th grade and I have a 6th grader. I use HomeschoolSkedtrack to give them their assignments for the day. You need to plan it out but it prints off like a checklist so they know what their assignment is each day. At the end of the day they turn their list back in to me and I update the program so that it will print off new assignments on the next day.


It can be as simple or as detailed as you want. For math, I want them to work for 45 minutes so their assignment says, "Spend 45 minutes on Teaching Textbooks." For history it's more detailed, "Read pp. xx-xx in Name of Book; Complete key word outline;" etc.


Before I used this program, I just made up a grid in Excel that had the subjects down the left hand side and days of the week across the top. I put each day's assignment into the appropriate box. It looked like Sonlight's format if you're familiar with that. They would cross off each assignment as they finished it.


Everything I have is specific to the curriculums we use. I don't have anything more generic.

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My oldest is also 7th grade and I have a 6th grader. I use HomeschoolSkedtrack to give them their assignments for the day. You need to plan it out but it prints off like a checklist so they know what their assignment is each day. At the end of the day they turn their list back in to me and I update the program so that it will print off new assignments on the next day.




I looked at the Skedtrack, it says that it is free. Have you found any catches with this? Have you found it time consuming at all?

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No I haven't found any catches with the program. You have access to the complete program at no cost.


As for time consuming, it does take a little bit of time to figure the program out. I watched a few of the short video tutorials and then got started. Once you start using it though, it's pretty straightforward.


Part of the reason it took me a little longer to get it set up the way that I wanted it, is because I wanted the subjects to print off in a certain order. When I was typing them into the course list I just typed them as I thought of them. So when it came time to print, the subjects were printed in the exact order I typed them. But I wanted them to print in the order that I wanted my kids to do them, so I had to go back and move things around. That was the main thing that took me some extra time to work on.


There were a few other tricks that I figured out later that saved me some more time. It's just like anything, the more you work with it the easier it becomes. I feel like it really helps me keep on top of my lesson planning.

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