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Has anyone ever seen this game?


It was tested in my school when I was a kid, and we always really enjoyed it. It occurred to me to look it up and see if it was still around, and it seems they've re-released it. At any rate, it was always a fun strategy game that required us to think three-dimensionally, and a math game thread I saw this morning made me think of it, although this isn't exactly what the poster was asking for/about.


Hope someone ends up liking it. I'm going to grab it for us.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ack! Sorry, Kareni, I just saw this. It's been a while, but I'll see if I can hunt the thread down. We got the game from my sister for Christmas, and so far, everyone loves it! There are multiple levels of play, so as people master the basic rules, they can add complexity to the rules. I'm really glad I found it again!

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There are different levels of play, but here's the beginner level:


The structure always rests on a triangle, and that's the field of play...whatever triangle it is resting on at that moment. So, you move by putting one of your colored game pieces on one side of that triangle, and then you rotate the icosahedron in that direction. You win by being the first to control all three sides of one triangle anywhere in the icosahedron. It's a strategy game, but you have to think three-dimensionally. There are rules for what to do if it's your turn and all three sides of the triangle have other player's colors on them, etc..

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