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anyone here part of the SL Prescool Yahoo Group?


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Wow, this forum moves fast! I replied to another thread about Sonlight asking this question but it is on the next page already. Just don't want it to get missed.


I really want to access the alternate schedules in the SL Preschool Yahoo group but I have been waiting all week to be approved. I'm really frustrated, I've e-mailed the owner of the group a few times and done everything I can to join the group and gotten no response. :confused: Would someone who is in the yahoo group be willing to contact them for me? Or e-mail me the files? My e-mail address is kristinperrotti@hotmail.com. I would appreciate it soooooooo much!

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The author's of both schedules ask for them not to be distributed outside of the loop. They usually check for new members about once a month, it seems.


One thing that's good to know about the schedules is that they are both from 2007 and outdated for use with either P3/4 or P4/5. When they were created, there was only one preschool core and no copyrighted SL schedule. Because of SL's copyrights, they can't update them any further even if they wanted to. They are great for ideas and supplements or for a completely separate program. I just want to make sure you aren't expecting schedules that go along with any recent SL preschool cores and are disappointed when you see them.

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Thanks for your reply! My 4/5 guide is used and from '07 so I'm thinking it will still be applicable.


I think it is really annoying that they only check for new members once a month. Maybe they need a new moderator or group owner. That seems really strange compared to the way other Yahoo groups, forums, and pretty much all other online resources/groups, etc. work.

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Thanks for your reply! My 4/5 guide is used and from '07 so I'm thinking it will still be applicable.


I think it is really annoying that they only check for new members once a month. Maybe they need a new moderator or group owner. That seems really strange compared to the way other Yahoo groups, forums, and pretty much all other online resources/groups, etc. work.


It could be that there is so little traffic in the group. Most people just sign up for the schedule and never post. You should be fine with the schedule since you'll have the books SL has discontinued like The Golden Books Treasury and Children's Treasury of Literature.

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Thanks for your reply! My 4/5 guide is used and from '07 so I'm thinking it will still be applicable.


I think it is really annoying that they only check for new members once a month. Maybe they need a new moderator or group owner. That seems really strange compared to the way other Yahoo groups, forums, and pretty much all other online resources/groups, etc. work.


The list owner has been battling cancer and most of the gals who moderate have large and busy families themselves. I think they also probably just get wires crossed on who is managing what. Best of intentions and not enough follow through, KWIM? It is also hard because people move off the list pretty quickly.


Hang in there, you might try e-mailing them if you haven't been approved soon, which is always the list name and then then -owner. Yahoo will automatically reject it if it sits more than 14 days. Also don't be afraid to re-apply if you are rejected. Just give them more information the second time. Sometimes vague descriptions cause apprehension about spammers. (Speaking as someone who owns yahoo groups.)



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