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I'm having a bad day with our Aspie...

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anyone want to send some love and chocolate. Some days I just don't know what to do with him. Love him or punish him. He is driving me nuts today. Between not wanting to wake up, to being really, really rude, and then fighting about doing schoolwork. Why would you waste so much of your day? Why not just do the work?

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:grouphug::grouphug: and thoughts of chocolate, which is the best I can do -- or should I eat some for you?


It's just so hard some days. My dd is so difficult to pry out of bed, too, and it's discouraging when your day begins, every day, with a struggle like that. I have come to understand that this is hard for her for a number of reasons both physiological and emotional, but understanding it intellectually doesn't make it any easier to go through the hassle every single morning (barring Christmas).


I'm so sorry you are feeling overwhelmed. It happens to us all, nearly all the time, who have Aspies to deal with.


Is this your 13-year-old? The age certainly makes things harder for a while.

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Hugs and mega-chocolate! :grouphug:


Sometimes I find that on days like that the most productive thing to do is take a break and do something different. Make cookies, or go to the museum or something. There are times when he can't NOT fight, IYKWIM. And if I fight too, then the whole day is one long struggle. Sometimes winning the tug of war is not about who can pull hardest, but more about who can let go of the rope and walk away.

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I completely understand. Christmas has my son in a tizzy, not least of all because we have to put his desk in the hall to fit the tree in the living room and that throws his whole world off-kilter. I'm substitute teaching up at DD's school tomorrow, and usually DS loves to come with me (the school is cool with this and feeds us both lunch), but he threw a massive fit about it this time. So this will be the last time I sub, apparently. I couldn't bail on the school on short notice, though, so he is at my MIL's house for tonight and tomorrow, and I am very, very grateful for the break... even though I'll be dealing with 20 preschoolers instead!


Hope your day got better.

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anyone want to send some love and chocolate. Some days I just don't know what to do with him. Love him or punish him. He is driving me nuts today. Between not wanting to wake up, to being really, really rude, and then fighting about doing schoolwork. Why would you waste so much of your day? Why not just do the work?


:grouphug: Oh how I feel your pain. I go through this with my dd all.the.time. Lots of hugs and chocolate to you! :grouphug:

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This is my 13 year old, who will be 14 at the end of January.


He didn't work yesterday at all. Spent most of the day in bed. That means Sat, Sun, and Mon he did nothing.


I totally understand the whys of him doing this. But, it doesn't make it easier. I have other people to care for.


I have my dumb jelly bean test on Monday...so I can't have chocolate. I'm trying to be super good this week.

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