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I can never rememeber the name for these particular ornaments . . .

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I first heard about them on the old forum. They are Christmas ornaments of the symbols of Christianity. I think they may be used more in liturgical churches. Our late grandmother organized the group at her Episcopal church that made them for their tree in the sanctuary. I think they are typically white and are primarily symbols from the ancient church.


Does anyone know what I am talking about?




(ETA: These are different from a Jesse tree). But I found my answer below.

Edited by Kblupino
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Never mind - after I posted I tried a different google search term: "christian symbol ornaments" And found my answer: "Chrismon" is what I was looking for! So now my question changes - does anyone have any good resources for making, using Chrismons during their celebration of Advent or Christmas?


I'm thinking that maybe I could do something with the idea for the twelve days of Christmas. Maybe take our regular ornaments off the tree and replacing them with Chrismons each day from 12/26 to 1/6.

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Never mind - after I posted I tried a different google search term: "christian symbol ornaments" And found my answer: "Chrismon" is what I was looking for! So now my question changes - does anyone have any good resources for making, using Chrismons during their celebration of Advent or Christmas?


I'm thinking that maybe I could do something with the idea for the twelve days of Christmas. Maybe take our regular ornaments off the tree and replacing them with Chrismons each day from 12/26 to 1/6.


In the church where I grew up, we made them out of beading wire, "pearl" and "gold" beads. If you google "Chrismons" you'll see patterns for cross-stitch, cardboard, styrofoam, felt, beaded, etc versions of various symbols. There seem to be a number of pattern books one could buy (maybe your library would have one?). As I remember, they were the only ornaments used to decorate a tree that was placed in the sanctuary, but I don't remember much else (this was back in the 70s).


One website mentioned that you could use these for an Easter tree or cross as well.

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