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Talk to me about P90X-any cheaper way to buy it? Anyone want to sell it to me?

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Starting in Jan I really want to get in shape. I'm not overweight, but I was previously in very good shape and have let it slide over 10 yrs. I've done some hit or miss running, but that's it. I need a routine I can do in my house, since a gym is not an option.


I have a wedding coming up in April to go to-that will by my immediate motivator-but I really just want to head into my later 40s and beyond in good shape and NOT sedentary, like I am becoming!


P90X appeals to me because it mixes things up so much. I've seen the older version for cheaper; would that work ok?

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Hmm...I'm reading old threads on this and thinking the P90 sounds like a better fit?


ETA: Agh-back again, now I'm rethinking the P90X but I am really worried about spending all that $$ and then not being able to do all the exercises-I have a knee that's not great and a herniated disk (old injury-not so bad now). But I am MOTIVATED to get in shape!!

Edited by HappyGrace
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I have P90 (along with about 6 other Beachbody programs!) and my favorites overall are Turbo Jam and CLX - both with Chalene Johnson. I use them together for maximum results and most importantly, because I don't get bored with them. Slim in 6 (Debbie Siebers) bores me to tears by day 8, so does anything Jillian. P90 is good, but for ME it is lacking the "pep" factor, which I love with Chalene. Some people don't like her because of the "pep" but I do. Plus the workouts (esp ANYTHING Turbo Jam) are just FUN. :) But we all have different tastes and workout styles, so for me anything adrenaline pumping (fast paced but not "dancey") is fun. Not sure how your knee would handle all the bouncing and kicking in Turbo Jam, but they have modified moves and if you already run for exercise, then you are probably fine.


According to my Bodybugg, I burn the most calories with the cardio kickboxing style workout (i.e. Turbo Jam) and then I rotate CLX in and I have my strength/resistance workouts.


No, I do NOT work for Chalene Johnson! LOL


HTH - good luck to you - I saw visible results (took before/during/after pics) from a workout blitz from Jan - Apr of this year so those programs do work if you stick with them!

Edited by kindermommy
terrible spelling and grammar!!! Eeek!
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I don't have P90 but I do own P90x and one of the discs from P90 masters(the total body work out). I had good results with p90x and I only did it for 8-9 weeks. It's a great program and it's easy to modify since there are background exercises showing a modified version of whatever Tony does. With that being said, after taking a long hiatus from regular workouts and after having had a baby a few months ago I'm going to work up to doing P90x by using the P90 masters total body.


I personally passed on Power 90 years ago because I just couldn't get past the way it looked. It didn't inspire me at all. Maybe it'll be different for you.:)

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