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How do you use Grammar Island?


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I just got the TM, Grammar Island (which I don't think I need) , Sentence Island and Practice Island.

The Island Grammar TM doesn't seem to have any sort of plan. I'm lost as to how to use this program. I went to the new forum, but it is barren! Do I use the books in conjunction with one another or do they go in a sequence.

Edited by OregonNative
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If you dig around on the rfwp website, you will find a "how to use" type of pdf which explains the order that the books should be used in. Basically, you read through Grammar Island, and then start on Practice Island - 1 sentence a day should do it - we do 2 sentences twice a week.


Sentence Island and Music of the Hemispheres slot in some time later.


I found Sentence Island to be excellent reinforcement for Grammar Island, and we only really started regularly on Practice Island once we had finished Sentence Island.


It's best to have the TM for the programme, but the student books are not necessary (apart from Practice Island). We read together from the TM for Grammar Island, Sentence Island and Music of the Hemispheres.


Hope that helps!



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I'm with you - my first hour or so with MCT left me a little bewildered:). I also did not find the RFP animated graphic schedule helpful at all.


However, I did find a forum post that has schedules written by two different women. I'm using Mandy in TN's, which I simply copied into Excel.





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I'm with you - my first hour or so with MCT left me a little bewildered:). I also did not find the RFP animated graphic schedule helpful at all.


However, I did find a forum post that has schedules written by two different women. I'm using Mandy in TN's, which I simply copied into Excel.







THANK YOU!! :cheers2:

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I am using Grammar Island with dd9 and ds9. As we read each section introducing a new part of speech we return to FLL 1/2 and review of definition. We go slowly and spend one to two weeks per part of speech.


We fold a sheet of paper into 4 sections.

Section 1: definition from FLL 1/2 if it fits, if not break definition into the four sections.

Section 2-4 give drawn illustrations of the definition broken into sections

eg. Sec.1 Noun is the name of person place thing idea does not fit into Sec.1 with room for person place thing idea in last three so the first part "name of a person" goes into the first box. Each of the next three kinds 2-4 then goes into the next three boxes so that the definition is written along the the bottom (or top) of the page. "A noun is the name of a person" Mary -draw picture of girl,

sec. 2 "place," Paris draw Eiffel tower or DC White House

sec.3 "thing," draw shoe

sec.4 "or idea" freedom draw flag, friendship draw child and their good friend


On the back of the sheet of paper they then do collective nouns, ect. I use the Ruth Heller World of Language books and the Adventures in Grammar books to help them visualize.

I put these in plastic page protectors in the LA notebooks. They love looking at them and comparing. dd6 likes to join in as well. This way the definitions are meaningful to them. I also take the opportunity to use Schoolhouse Rock songs/videos all to make it meaningful and to make it stick.



Alicia in New Zealand



I just got the TM, Grammar Island (which I don't think I need) , Sentence Island and Practice Island.

The Island Grammar TM doesn't seem to have any sort of plan. I'm lost as to how to use this program. I went to the new forum, but it is barren! Do I use the books in conjunction with one another or do they go in a sequence.

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