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Has anyone purchased/used the Weave planner at Lulu?

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Here's the link http://www.lulu.com/content/978162


It's looks very complete with all the different ways to use it and create not only a homeschool planning/record book but also a household management tool.


I'm just wondering if anyone has purchased and used this and what they think of it. I saw it linked at the TOG forums. The only downside I see is that it is perfect bound and would need to be purchased each year. I guess in a way that's not so much of a downside if you could contain everything in a book and not carry around a notebook...sorry I was just thinking out loud. :D

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Wow-that does look complete. It has practically everything...but did you see it was 601 pages? That's gotta be at least 1.5-2 inches thick. Although... My mom binder at this point weighs about 8 lbs. It's a good thing my binder has a handle and came with straps.


If you do get it, will you let us know what you think?

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