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How do you teach Chalkdust Geometry?

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Or rather...do you learn it with your child? I understand that he watches the video and then he does the problems, but then how do you help him when he gets stuck? The nice thing about TT is that he just pops in the CD that shows him exactly how to do the problem. That said, AlgI is easy for me and I can easily figure out where he messed up anyway. But Geometry??? I don't remember much and I remember it being my 2nd hardest math class next to Trig...neither of which I truly understood but made a B in. So.. do you watch it with your child?? Trying to figure out how to do this while teaching my youngest to read and trying to keep my middle one on task..


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And I haven't needed to help him at all with it. Dr. Mosley does such a great job at explaining it that he hasn't needed my help.


When my oldest dd took CD Alg 2, I did set aside time to watch the videos each day and do the problems with her. I was able to help her with her work because Dr. Mosley was so good that I could learn the material too.


I hope that helps,


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We're doing chalkdust geometry. Yes, I have to watch it w/dd. I will say she is not the most receptive student. It also helps for us to take notes re:formulas and such. It's not completely built on previously learned material, so I think if you start a new chapter with your student and begin watching the DVDs together you'll be able to pick it up and help him.

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My son is a math-y kind of kid and really gets math. He hasn't needed my help in math much at all his whole life. He's just that kind of kid. My oldest dd, on the other hand, is not math-y and need me beside her for most of her math career. How much involvement you'll need to contribute to CD will depend on the learning style/math readiness of your son. If you think it's likely that he'll need your help during the year you'll want to make time to watch the video with him each day so you won't get behind.



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