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iPhone questions

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DH and I have iPhones, and we are needing to get DS a phone of some sort because he's now involved in enough activities that we need to be able to reach eachother easier. I'm not a big fan of phones for kids, but I'm starting to see the need for him.


We can add a phone to our family plan for very little each month, so that's not a big deal. But I was thinking it would be nice to get him an iTouch for Christmas. So if we get him an iPhone, can we add it to our family plan like a regular phone and not pay for the data plan? We're not willing to pay for that. Will he have adequate wifi access without it (we have wireless at home)?


Is there a way to filter the internet on iPhones? Is that really an issue?



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If you have an iPhone, you have to have a data plan. Both of my big kids have Itouches and regular cell phones. That way I don't have to pay for the data plan. :p As far as being able to filter the internet, I haven't found a way to do it yet. You can make it so they aren't able to access the internet, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having an Itouch.

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