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Ds' take on Manna


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This ds 11yo is hypoglycemic, as well as myself. When I asked what his history lesson was about the other day, it went this way:


me: What was your history about today?

ds: Moses

me: So, what happened?

ds: You know, Moses and the people left Egypt.

me: And?

ds: They started complaining to God that they needed meat. God got mad, but sent quail.

me: Why do you think God got mad?

ds: I don't know mom. Manna was just carbs and they needed some protein so I really don't know why He would get mad at them for asking for it.


I had to laugh. This poor kid hears about carbs and proteins all the time and I guess it sank in. We went on to discuss how God sent manna and it was ALL they needed. Yet, they ask for more.

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