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Where to start 6th grader in Hist/LA


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My DS1 will be in 6th grade next year, and DS 2 in first. My plan was to start SOTW 1 with them, together, with more in depth study for my 6th grader.

This will be my 6th graders 1st year homeschooled, and in school right now they are studying American History. Should I go on from that timeline, with late American history, or do you think it would be ok to start with SOTW from the beginning? I was thinking if I started with AH, I would get him Moving Beyond the Page10-12 year old package. But it sounded nice to be able to study with them together, with projects and things being similar...

Any thoughts? Thanks!

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I chose to go with SOTW 1 because I pulled my 6th grader out mid-year & they were already studying ancients at the PS he attended. However, it's really up to you on whether or not you start with that or American history. Public schools jump around in social studies all the time, so I don't think it will be bad if you don't continue where he left off in history.

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