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Do Your Hubbies Help with Schooling?

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Wow I get no help and when I reached out yesterday for advice about potentially leaving my marriage due to frustration MY post got deleted.:glare:




I am fortunate enough that hubby supports in other ways. Both parties have to contribute, even if it is in different areas. It is normal to be frustrated and unhappy if that isn't happening.

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My husband is great at informally teaching the kids in his area of expertise (computers and programming), takes the lead in some areas of physical fitness (he takes the kids jogging in the morning before his work, takes them to soccer after work, etc), and he is also very good at taking advantage of learning opportunities when they come up in everyday life. Once in a while, I'll ask him to sit with one of the kids and help with math or some other assignment while on his lunch break so I can get something done, and he's happy to do that. But he wouldn't be well-suited to planning or conducting regular lessons. If I try to talk to him about curriculum, his eyes quickly glaze over. LOL

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