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For person new to CW, if I buy the Aesop core book

Shasta Mom

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and the student wkbk, do you think it's necessary to buy the instructor's guide book?


Hm...it depends. :001_smile: If you are a grammar geek yourself, you can probably do well without the IG, particularly if you find the Core self-explanatory.


The one thing I, personally, dislike about the IGs (and so far I've only been through Aesop) is that they do not reproduce what the student has in their workbooks. All the workbook programs I've most loved (esp. those from Memoria Press) reproduce the student pages within the IGs, so I suppose I'm a bit spoiled. I prefer to have a copy of what my dds are using right in front of me so I can better direct and help them even if I didn't make time to prep myself. :blush:


For Homer, what I might do is simply get another copy of the workbook and work through it myself, thereby creating my own IG. :D That doesn't really help you though, does it?


(I wish I could explain myself a little better. I hope this makes sense.) :001_smile:

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Actually that was helpful - thank you. I'll be new to it and may skip the IG. I don't like having unused materials sit on my shelf. Since it's Aesop, hopefully I will be able to correct grammar!


If you find that you need it, you can always get it later. :) Have you looked at the sample IG on lulu.com?


I'm still trying to give words to my thoughts on the IG. Here is a summary of a general week's lesson from the IG:

  • A copy of the model...plus space for your own notes

  • Teacher prep...tells what you should read/review in the Core, etc.

  • Flashcards...which to introduce, if you use them

  • Teacher helps...includes suggested spelling words and answers to grammar analysis in the WB

  • Routine...a facing page with basic steps for each day to complete the week's lesson



Now that I'm sitting down, beating this to death (LOL) I think another reason I'm not too fond of the IG is that I don't follow all the steps that are laid out (spelling, flashcards). Thanks for providing me the opportunity to ramble a bit; I helped myself a little here. :)

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For Homer, what I might do is simply get another copy of the workbook and work through it myself, thereby creating my own IG. :D That doesn't really help you though, does it?


Making your own IG by using the student workbook is a great idea. I agree that it is extremely inconvenient not having the student pages in front of me as I teach each CW lesson; I usually watch over my son's shoulder as we go through the exercises.


I think the IGs for Aesop A & B are optional, but they are a good crutch if you're not confident with the program like I was. However, I've found the IGs for Homer A & B necessary because of the parsing and diagramming. I don't think I could do them on my own. Of course the answer looks simple once I know what it is...well, sometimes.


Here are a few of the sentences that are diagrammed in week 18 & 19 of CW Homer A:


The horse looked like a prodigious idol; but it was hollow, skillfully pierced here and there, and so spacious that a band of men could lie hidden within.


My long and bubbling friend, what's this I hear of your doing no work?


If you can diagram these sentences, then you don't need the IG. I'm looking at the answer, and I still don't know how to diagram them. I think I need to do more grammar study on participles.

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Making your own IG by using the student workbook is a great idea. I agree that it is extremely inconvenient not having the student pages in front of me as I teach each CW lesson; I usually watch over my son's shoulder as we go through the exercises.


My long and bubbling friend, what's this I hear of your doing no work?




LOL Yes, I may stick with IG for Homer and revisit the d-i-y IG idea when my next wave of students gets to Aesop. Thank you for the clarity there, Beth! :D


Oh, and I just realized that I already have the Homer A IG from the closeout at Beth's Bookshop! :hurray: I s'ppose I need to get those workbooks someday...

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These are why I like the IG -- especially having the specific pages in the core that the lessons are based upon. I rely on my Homer A IG for every lesson!



  • Teacher prep...tells what you should read/review in the Core, etc.
  • Teacher helps...includes suggested spelling words and answers to grammar analysis in the WB




If you're starting with Aesop A, maybe you could get the IG for A and then decide whether or not to get it once you get to B. Also, I found my set used long ago, so I recommend watching the swap board.

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I use the IGs a lot (we've done Aesop A & B, now Beginning Poetry A), for *me*, I think I would have a hard time getting it all together on my own with everything else in my schedule. I find it very helpful to have, for example, the weekly assignments planned out and written down (even though I don't always follow them). I really benefit from the crutch, lol.


Edited to add:


Less so with Aesop, but with Poetry I have also used the book references a lot in the IG.. where in a given section of the IG it gives the page #s from the core book you need to refer to, kwim?


I also like the idea of getting my own student copy, maybe I'll try that with Homer.. what about merging the two together, having them taken apart then rebound as one book; I think there would only be a few duplicate pages... hmm, idea for me to think about...



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I also like the idea of getting my own student copy, maybe I'll try that with Homer.. what about merging the two together, having them taken apart then rebound as one book; I think there would only be a few duplicate pages... hmm, idea for me to think about...




Kate, you are BRILLIANT! Thankyouthankyouthankyou! :D

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