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WWE, which level should I start with?


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WWE 1 doesn't really ask for narrations it asks the student to remember one thing and put it in a complete sentance. It also only has copywork, not dictation.


So if he is ready for actual narrations- trying to summarize or pick out the most important things from a passage, and ready for dictation then go for level 2. If it would be better to start slow go for level 1.


(I think the dictations for level two start out really hard! They are sentances you do for copywork the day before, but they are still hard. The first week is "Do not let flattery throw you off your guard against an enemy.")

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I would start 7 yr olds with WWE 1. We didn't choose to do WWE until Dc was 7.5 and we started with WWE 1 and he did well. I don't think it is good to start with WWE 2, especially if the child hasn't done long sentence dictation. The dictation sentences get long pretty fast in WWE 2. I am glad my ds is 8 and is just starting WWE 2.

Hope this helps with your decision.


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