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Brushing up on Latin?

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Hi All!


I had a couple of years of Latin in high school, but, sadly, I've lost much of ti, though the vocabulary benefits have stayed with me.


I'd love to brush up on the structure of the language (like what exactly are those declensions all about?)


Does anyone have a book recommendation for me BEFORE I dig into Latin with my little ones?



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Maybe you could get whatever text you'll be using with them down the road, and learn from that. You'll be well ahead of what you're teaching them in the easier books, and will be prepped for when they get to those high school level texts.


Henle, for example, explains the declensions and all very well.

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Another vote for Wheelock's, but if you had a good working knowledge of Latin once (syntax and beyond), I'd work it out straight from texts, only helped by a grammar, rather than the other way round (grammar and then texts), to save some time and keep it fun. ;)


However, being that you mention "what those declensions are all about", you might also profit from a linear study of morphology and syntax. In any case I'd use Wheelock's as a base, and review if I have any notes from school, old textbooks we used, anything, that might help you get back some of it first.


Good luck, check back here, ask if you have any questions. :)

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I would suggest that you subscribe to the LatinStudy online group:


The LatinStudy list is an open mailing list dedicated to the study of the

Latin language. The URL http://www.quasillum.com/study/latinstudy.php

describes the list in more detail.


There are many online groups working both on grammar and translation. I joined a Wheelocks study group prior to brush up on my own Latin prior to teaching my dds. It was hard work but very rewarding.




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