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Notgrass Am History - what's the youngest you could do this with?

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I read somewhere that it was designed for use in late high school, after the world history (which has easier reading). Would you agree with that assessment? I'm looking for something to do a quick read through American History with a 13yo (who is a good reader).




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It's probably easy enough for a good reader at that age but if you're going to use the literature portion I'd say find something else. The reading for the Am History is intense and mature. Notgrass recommends using this program after their World History so most people use this in 10th grade or later. My kids are very good readers and they had some trouble keeping up with the reading for this program. Now if you just want the history text I'd say it would be very good. It's a nice overview and doesn't go into a lot of detail so you shouldn't have any problems.

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Thank you! Yes, I am planning to use it just for the history, and to actually use readers from SL (some from 3/4 and some from 100). I just want a good, decent, simple spine for American history at this level that isn't as "full" or detailed as SL's Core 100 IG and the Hakim series. However, I will use that IG if someone convinces me that it is really worth the effort :). I'm wanting to spend more time on the literature than the history spine.


I looked at Notgrass for the first time because of recent conversations here. I really do like the simplicity of it.


Thanks so much for the feedback.

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Thank you! Yes, I am planning to use it just for the history, and to actually use readers from SL (some from 3/4 and some from 100). I just want a good, decent, simple spine for American history at this level that isn't as "full" or detailed as SL's Core 100 IG and the Hakim series.


My 11 & 12 yos are using All American History for the same purpose. It has 2 volumes but the chapters are fairly short and all together it is much less involved than Hakim's series. It is also less cluttered and the first volume at least, is black and white so it is not as flashy as History of US and definitely is dryer... (We will be using the Drive Through American history course to supplement and that will provide lots of flash to liven up our days, lol.)


We had a Guerber book to use but for some reason neither of them took to it. So far they enjoy this one though. RR has it w/sample pages to view.




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