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Need Sports books-how,what, why....


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It was reccommended that as part of PE one should teach about the different sports. Like how they started, the different positions, how points are scored, etc.


Does anyone use anything like this or know of any books written like this? I don't need a novel, just a simple kind of book.



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I think the best resource is probably the library.


We have a book called the Scholastic Visual Sports Encyclopedia that was a Christmas gift a couple years ago for my son who's interested in sports (the kids get one "big" book for Christmas about an interest they have every year). It's got a page or two about nearly every sport with little sections about the rules, positions, gear, etc. Sort of like an Eyewitness Book. It's *not* an exhaustive reference though - if you didn't have other experience, you couldn't use it to figure out how to play a sport, for example. It's just a sort of guide to what's out there.

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