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If you do SSL in K do you do LFC in 1st or....


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I think it would depend on the individual student. An advanced student (in particular in the mechanics of writing/copying answers) may be able to do LfCA in 1st grade. I did SSL with my 2nd grader last year and he is doing LfC A this year in third grade.


I would probably consider doing some other language programs designed for younger kids with a 1st grader unless that 1st grader was really advanced. Maybe a Songschool Greek, or a similar Spanish or romance language? Something that was more verbal and game oriented. JMO. YMMV!

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I'll just mention, though we did SSL with my 3rd grader last year we are finishing up Minimus now and, honestly, he doesn't get much of it. He is enjoying looking at the cartoons and learning about ancient Britain, but I really don't think he is getting any actual latin out of it. I'll add, he is a reluctant reader and I think language in general isn't his thing so your mileage may vary!

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I am using LfC A with my young 2nd grader (not 7 yet), and he is doing well, but he's also an advanced student. If he were only a 1st grader, I probably would have held off year and done either Getting Started with Latin or Prima Latina (even though I'm not thrilled with that program and we aren't religious). LfC A doesn't have quite the same gentle fun feel as SSL; it introduces 10 new vocabulary words a week; chapter 1 and 2 introduced 1st conjugation and chapter 3 and 4 introduced first declension, plus there is grammar concepts that seem to be 3rd grade and above (based on our experience with FLL). So, unless the child is quite advanced in LA's, I would probably wait to introduce LfC A in 2nd grade and spend 1st grade going through GSwL or a similar "intro" type of program.

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I'll just mention, though we did SSL with my 3rd grader last year we are finishing up Minimus now and, honestly, he doesn't get much of it. He is enjoying looking at the cartoons and learning about ancient Britain, but I really don't think he is getting any actual latin out of it. I'll add, he is a reluctant reader and I think language in general isn't his thing so your mileage may vary!

We are using Minimus this year alongside of LfC A - it is a wonderful supplement to LfC A and is reinforcing much of what we are learning already. But on it's own, I could see it being a bit overwhelming in terms of grammar concepts. It is a fun book though and my boys love reading through it (I read it to them and we discuss the grammar and do the "exercises" in it orally). I plan on using the dialogue from the various chapters as translation work once we are done with it.

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I'll share a few of my thoughts and plans w/you.


I had planned on doing SSL (Workbook & CD) this year (1st grade) w/my little man, in addition to the Latin memory work that we're doing w/Classical Conversations, but as CC got underway and we started our lessons w/SSL, I began to see that we need to hold off doing SSL (officially) until next year. I decided that doing the CC Latin memory work and just listening to the SSL CD (which my little man often requests on his own) is sufficient for now. I want to make sure he gets a solid foundation in English, before we go more in depth w/Latin.


We'll repeat go at SSL (officially) next year, using the workbook & CD... possibly throwing in some Latin's Not So Tough too (just because I already have it?). Depending on how that goes over in 2nd grade, then we'll move into Latin for Children A in 3rd grade, but no sooner than 3rd.




:001_smile: Melissa

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