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Thank you to whoever recommended The Reading Lesson


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And even sent me a lovely review...which I seem to have accidentally deleted from my computer. In any case, I downloaded the sample lessons and we have been working through them slowly, not pushing it, a couple of pages a day, stopping BEFORE dd starts to get frustrated. And (dare I say it?) it seems to be working! Now I have to go order the book, just wanted to pop in and say THANK YOU!!

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Glad it's working for you! My DD recently finished the book and it was a great experience for us. Don't wait too long before ordering the book. Those early pages go fast. I started DD with a copy from the library, and then I had to return it before my copy from amazon.com showed up, so we had to take a two week break until it arrived.

(Oh and I'm not the person who recommended it, just another person who really liked the book.)

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