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Prentice Hall Biology vs Apologia Biology

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My daughter will be taking biology next year. Trying to decide between the two texts. I like the Prentice Hall, but am wondering if the Apologia would be better because it might be easier to do at home. I want the best. I am not worried about putting work into it. Just want to make sure we can do labs with whatever we pick.


Anyone with experience please help:D

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I am not a science person, but I will share our experience.


My daughter did Apologia General and Physical Science. She asked me to find something else for Biology, and after looking at our options, she chose Miller and Levine Biology from Prentice Hall. We ordered the Workbook A to go with it.


When it arrived (1000 pages!), she said, "I wish I'd gone with Apologia!"


She is working her way through it. To finish the book, she will have to do a chapter each week. The vocabulary is difficult, and she has to study it out to really understand the concepts enough to complete the workbook.


We are only a few weeks into it, and I am trying to figure out what parts we can skip because there is so much information in the book, and it is too much to do it all.


I haven't ordered a lab yet, but want to go with eScience Labs, version 3 Biology. They had great reviews on another forum and skip the dissections that my daughter refuses to do (we'll watch something online instead).


Many other independent lab kits are available that could work.


I have not looked through the Apologia Biology book since I do not have it, but our past experience with Apologia is that it is very easy to do in a homeschool setting.


Best wishes deciding! Perhaps others could give you more information about their experiences.

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I haven't seen Aplopgia in yrs. But we're using Biology Exploring Life, which I believe is by Prentice Hall. We're using the text, TM and DIVE CD for labs.


The program is very complete and pretty rigorous, a step under Campbell's Concepts and Connections and a step above Miller Levine from what I could compare.


The education, especially with the lab is solid and rigorous. I make up study guide worksheets for each chapter, but a study guide workbook can be purchased. If you went this route you'd also need the CD that accompanies the book as it emphasizes the concepts.

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If your concern is thorough enough, then you may want to do both the biology and advanced biology from Apologia. The first on its own is a very good biology text, but if your goal is the AP, then both should be done. We haven't done the biology class yet, but we do have the text. Don't forget that when you look at any text used in public schools, they're not using the whole text. Often only a third, or maybe as much as a half is covered.

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Both my dc did Apologia and we were very pleased with it. Dh was impressed with the content and rigor. I liked the way it developed study skills and I felt both kids got a very solid background in biology. In addition, the labs were good and very easy to do at home--right down to doing actual dissections.

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