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k-3 math coop class - help?


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Our small group is getting a co-op together and I'll be teaching math to K-3 for a half hour in the afternoon. This is not a math class, but more a fun, simple reinforcement time while the older kids are working. I'm getting nervous because we start tomorrow. This is a pretty varied range as far as math abilities, so can someone give me some ideas at what goes on in other co-ops? Or advice?


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Math story books? You can find lists online. The easiest suggestion is the Stuart J Murphy books.


Math walk? Where you walk around and find patterns, shapes, count things, look for symmetry, etc.


Math art projects - many possibilities for patterns, shapes, symmetry, early graphing skills, etc.


Math building - projects with blocks, etc.


Math games - this has so many possibilities - you could have a box of bought games for kids to play - like Sequence for Kids, Rat-a-Tat-Cat, etc. or you could play games together...


Does that get you started?

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It might help to divide into smaller groups (perhaps based on age/ability)--especially for the math games part.

What about doing jumping jacks while skip-counting? Or sit ups and count by fives? etc.

Or finding some math facts music to dance to?

You could do patterning--using colors of fruit loops, buttons, etc. The kids who understand more could have more of a challenge assigned, the youngers could just kinda play with it.

Using gumdrops and toothpicks you could make geometric shapes

They could make their own number books--on page 1, draw one object; the older kids could do higher numbers or multiples of ten.


It might help to establish a routine of some kind that you follow each time--could help with the planning of it for you, too. For example, the first five minutes is spent reading a math storybook; then you do something physical; then you play a game/art project/craft; end with a fun type of worksheet (secret code or color by number type of thing)


Good luck!

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