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Has anyone used/watched Homestead Blessings?


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If you have seen any of them, could you share your opinion?


I am considering purchasing them and would like to know if they would be good for our children to watch for school. Is the material sound? Does it do a good job teaching the material or would we have to suppliment with some books to be able to tackle any of these projects ourselves, especailly soapmaking and candle making.



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We have most of them and I can tell you my little BOYS like watching the "Ladies" they get them out and ask to watch them. We haven't done any of the things they show just watched. IF you have already done soap or or candles or bread baking etc you might not learn alot but if you haven't done these things you would probably learn a good bit. I think you could do the things projects that they do without needing any other instruction, they give you supply list and instructions and on the ones that involve cooking they give the recipes. They look and seem very conservative, so if that look bothers you, you might not like them. One day when we get time we will start doing the things we have learned from them but for now we just enjoy watching. I know you can see samples maybe on the franklin press website, I think they are on sale right now. Or on their website. If that didn't answer your question let me know.

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I bought a the canning and gardening videos for my dd. Personally, I won't buy any more. There was too much of a "homemade" feel to them. The ladies seem like they would be a great resource, and are probably very sweet people, but they were not polished enough for a video. I also felt like some of the information was not presented in a logical sequence. I needed a recap, a print out, or a small booklet to go with the canning video. I still found myself searching for answers online while canning, because I didn't have time to watch the whole video.

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