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Grout for bathroom floor tiles?

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School has been keeping me super busy and I miss being on this board! But I"m wondering if anyone knows how I can change the grout on the tile floor in my bathroom? IT's yuck! I've tried chiseling with some special tool, but it will take me at least a year at that rate! :tongue_smilie: Is there anything I can do rather than taking a sledge hammer to it and replacing the whole floor?

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School has been keeping me super busy and I miss being on this board! But I"m wondering if anyone knows how I can change the grout on the tile floor in my bathroom? IT's yuck! I've tried chiseling with some special tool, but it will take me at least a year at that rate! :tongue_smilie: Is there anything I can do rather than taking a sledge hammer to it and replacing the whole floor?


I successfully painted two bathroom floors' ugly, dark grout a lighter color -- gray and beige -- using grout paint (colorant). It probably won't withstand cleaning with a scrub brush, but mine held up well with a wet rag and water. I found the stuff at a local hardware. Cheap and easy to use.


The trick was to use a brush about the width of the grout line and cut the hairs off by half so it would be stubby-ish. Then, I painted on a coat, let it dry a bit, and removed the paint that got on the edges of the tiles with a slightly damp rag. I worked a few feet at a time applying two coats altogether.


I'd say it took about 20 hours tops, but it looked sooo much nicer and cleaner afterward.

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I have 2 bathrooms, both have the same floor. I did paint the grout in one bathroom and it looks okay, but before I attempted that in the next bathroom, I thought I'd find out if there was a way to just change the grout. We've been in this house for 5 years but I wonder if the bathroom floor is original. Our house is 10 years old.


I'm also going to reface the cabinets. I tried painting one using primer and paint and I just really don't like the look of painted cabinets. I tried a cheap brush, an expensive brush and a sponge brush and they all leave lines. Yuck.

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