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TOG Redesigned yr 2

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I would like to purchase TOG yr 2 redesigned Unit 1 to get a feel for Tapestry for my 10th grader in the fall. What other items besides the unit itself will I REALLY need to order?


This will be my first time with TOG,and I am reluctant to jump into such a big purchase and have it sit on the shelf.:001_unsure:


Any insight would be helpful.



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and you can look at each week's assignments and decide what assignments you want you daughter to do. I usually decide what history reading we're going to do and then check to see if my library has the books suggested. If they don't, I decide if the book is important enough to purchase. If it is a book that we will use a lot, or one that is just really good and would be hard to substitute, I usually do purchase it. If it is used only one or two weeks and I think I can substitute, I may try to find something else at the library that will suffice.


If you are going to do TOG literature, church history, or philosophy you would need to do the same for those subjects. There is also Writing Aids, which is a great resource to have if you are going to use the TOG writing element and a Map Aids cd-rom and an evaluations cd-rom. These last three things do not have to be purchased, but they make my life much easier.


What it really comes down to is that you have to look over the curriculum and decide what you want to cover, and which books are important enough to be purchased. I wish I could just list everything out for you, but it really is different for each person.


Good luck, I'm not sure this helped at all, but I hope it did.



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Have to agree with Trina here..........it really depends on how much you want done for you and how much you want to do yourself. MapAids to me are invaluable because I DID spend hours looking for maps online, printed them out, find an answer key, etc....so to me.........worth it! If you are planning to use a different English curriculum then skip the Writing Aids........otherwise it weaves nicely with TOG.


I usually take time and go through the list of all the books for the unit, mark which ones are at my library and are used less than a month and put those on my "do not buy" list. I then eliminate things I feel are duplicated or that we won't get to or something I feel I have on hand that I can substitute without it being too big a stretch and those go on the "do not buy list"...........the rest I put on To Buy list and I start looking........ebay, thrift shops, curriculum sales.........then at the end of summer I'll buy new whatever I haven't found. Works pretty well for us and I feel I have been able to use TOG very efficiently and inexpensively.

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