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computer academic supplements for K-3? Math, U.S. history, geography?


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We have our basic curricula that I am happy with.


I'm looking for some computer-based programs that I can use when I alternate working with my kiddos. They don't work well at the same time. Neither is very independent, although we are working on it, but I find that they do best to work one-on-one and switch off. It is taking us ALL day and we haven't added in history/science/art yet and haven't been doing read-alouds, except before bed. The opposite child has been doing their cleaning chores and then silent reading time, but they are still left with a lot of time when they aren't being worked with and I need them.......busy.


I want some beneficial supplements that can replace some of our current supplemental programs. The computer is in the school room and it has headphones.


Older dd--2nd grade she's reading well. I'd like a math one (Destination math? IXL?) and something else to alternate with it.


Younger dd--Kindergarten. Explode the Code online will replace her phonics workbook. Also Destination Math or IXL?


We're doing American History/geography with MFW Adventures, so something along those lines?

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