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1B Singapore Math HIG.


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I am currently using the 1B SM TB and Student Text. I am also using MUS Alpha with her. I think that I have finally found a tolerable combo for her. It has been rough. I have seen a lot of tears in the past two years concerning math. She is much better now that I use SM. I am wondering if I should order the HIG for extra help. I think that she likes SM because of the cute illustrations but she still gets frustrated very easily. I have to slow her down because she just wants to rush through it. Would the HIG give me ideas to help her? She actually has the same problem with MUS and hates the blocks. I think it is because she doesn't want to take the time to use them. She feels like they prolong math. I just add in a MUS worksheet to help with math facts.

Our math history.

I have used MM, RS, CLE also with great frustration. If you would only know how many times I heard "I'm just stupid!" from her when we used MM...... I tried using it orally but that didn't work either. Just looking at the manual made her freak.


For the next level I think I will use all SM materials and cut out the MUS. I see that several people use Miquon math with great success with SM. I wanted to try it but I have been resistant because of her reaction to the MUS blocks.


Should I buy the 1B HIG? Any suggestions to help make math a little more tolerable?



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