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Cross Post from Gen. Board: Transitioning from two at home to only one

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It's looking more and more likely that our oldest will go to public high school next fall. So, I'm pondering how I will get along with only one of my two children home. The second born is the one who struggles more academically, so (dare I put this in print) she is more draining to me. I adore her. She's my baby, and she lives the part. But, as a student, it's more difficult to manage her needs. And, as a parent, it's more difficult to manage her needs. She *needs* companionship, almost always. She thrives on the social. Were it not for her academic struggles, and were it not for the fact that she's going to be a 6th grader (the dreaded middle school!), I'd strongly consider sending her to school as well. I know that sounds crazy, but I think she'd absolutely love the school setting. Unfortunately, she'd probably flail as a student right now. Sigh.


Anyway, I'm concerned about what our days will look like, and how I'll manage to have the energy for this beautiful child with no other "body" here during the days to help me diffuse some of the need. That sounds more desperate than I mean it to. It's just a niggling concern, not a panic attack.


Anyone btdt, or have ideas/wisdom to share regardless?



(The original - slightly modified - post is here, along with replies from Gen. Board.)


:D :confused:...TIA...

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I am left now with one at home, in the seventh grade. The eldest is in college and the second is a sophomore at the local public school.


Things have worked out better than I expected and academically, the one on one has been great for my youngest. The two younger ones actually get along better now that there is a bit of separation during the day which I found surprising. I thought they would grow apart.:)


I think the adjustment of *losing* two of my kids this year has been hard on me and it took some time for me to get used things. I miss homeschooling my middle child but she is so obviously in the right place for her that I cannot remain sad too long.

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I'm having a very similar experience to threetreasurs.


Our older dd went to ps last year, and I was concerned that my dd would be bored. It has not been the case. We are having a fairly good time working together. It is much more focused, and my dd likes it that way. It was hard for her to have to wait while I worked w/my other dd.


I have gotten her involved in a co-op for drama, and we joined a local fitness club/Jewish Community Center. We also got her a puppy in October, and he keeps her quite busy.


All in all, it has been much better than I thought it would be, and I am sad that I have to give her up to ps in two years. :sad:

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well- if you plan your subjects... schedule something you like, then something not your favorite. take short breaks after a tough lesson. commend each other for your hard work. work on things together and then have independent study. schedule a mid-week date for brunch, or coffees and bagels. plan several field trips during the year, to anyplace that looks interesting. we went on short bike rides and walks during the week (and that counted as PE). took cameras out with us and snapped photos. enjoy your special time together.


and I did read, under your other posting, a suggestion that you schedule a sports (or maybe a music) class for outside instruction. also, having her do some of her work when her sis is doing homework. both good ideas.


in the past, I'd always done math with my youngest (youngest by several years). she disliked it, so it made a big difference if I was there. I made sure to be prepared, go over lessons before hand. and for all subjects, I'd try to make things interesting, get her opinions, have discussions. nurture where she needed it, help her build independent study skills. (was far from perfect at it, but I did OK, mostly :))


guess I'm saying, pace yourself, and along with school, make it fun. have a great old time.

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