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Gifted and Talented Programs near Kelso/Longview Washington?


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We are moving to western Washington near Longview/ Kelso area. My daughter was supposed to be starting in a gifted program once a week in our district here. Is there any G&T programs in or near Lngvw/Kls? Any other homeschool resourses would be helpful!:) thx


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Well, most gifted programs in Western Washington are self-contained full-time classrooms rather than once a week pullouts. I'm not sure how that would work out for you or if you would want your dd there more than once a week, and to be honest, I'm not even sure if they would let you have a spot (or if they legally have to) if she would be there less than half-time. These are issues you would have to work out individually with your district and your principal.


Here is the link to Longview's Highly Capable program:




Kelso School District has an advanced program for middle school students, but not one for elementary that I could find. Here is the district website in case you would like to search some more:





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