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Bravewriter/Writer's Jungle users, What to buy?

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I will have 5th, 8th, 10th, and 11th graders next year. I am not loving the ToG writing, and am looking to switch. BW looks great, but I don't want online courses. If I were to get Writer's Jungle, do I also need Arrow/Slingshot? How do those work? Also, how do you schedule? Would REALLY appreciate some help here, as we are floundering.


Thanks so much,

tonya in sc

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Writer's Jungle doesn't provide you with any structure, and you don't need the Arrow/Slingshot or the online courses. WJ teaches you how to teach your kids. It doesn't give you a structure. So of course, thats why people use the Arrow/Slingshot and the online courses. They want structure. They want to be shown. You can also get the emails, which tell you to take a day off maths to watch movies, or have a Shakespeare Day, or Friday Freewrite time. Prompts, more than structure.

As Julie says, its more of a lifestyle thing than a curriculum. Its all centred around freewriting. And you can do that without the program, once you learn what that is- you can find out on the website, I am pretty sure.

You make up your own schedule, but she gives ideas.

Its inspiring, and I think thats what its meant to be, but if you are looking for a curriculum, I would say thats not really what it is.

Slingshot etc have some dictation passages and some literary elements. I didnt think there was much to them, myself.

Truly, they are things you can do yourself, but of course, many mums dont feel confident enough to do that, so they are there for that reason.

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