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I am working on my schedule and was wondering how other people work their week of writing. After the initial meeting to go over the week's writing assignment do you meet daily with them for writing or only for the rough draft/final draft? The kids will be 7th, 9th and 10th grade.



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I haven't started, but here is how I plan to do it. The first day will be the lecture/instructional session and reviewing the rubric so my ds knows what is expected in the assignment. Then each day he will work on the assignment and we will evaluate together before moving on to the next step/revision.

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I teach the writing lesson on Wednesdays, go over the rubric with her and she then works on the planning of writing, which could include using mind-maps, graphic organizers, or whatever WA suggests to plan with. She does her rough draft. The next day she improves her rough draft, sometimes goes through a checklist to see if it's all there, and types out a final copy. Friday I mark it using the rubrics and we go over it together.


Every week it's different. Sometimes she only does planning on day 1, draft day 2, and sometimes I mark the draft so she can incorporate corrections and improvements in her final copy which she can do on day 3. So yes, it varies. But the 3 day writing process is fairly consistent, and in TOG it is generally done as the last 3 days of your week.


Hope that is of some help. :001_smile:

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