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Sample Schedules

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This actually sounds like two different things: schedule and lesson plan.


My son's 5th grade schedule looks like this:


7:00 -- get up, get ready

7:30 -- Breakfast and Bible Reading

7:50 -- Clean up

8:00 -- Pledge and Song

8:15 -- Bible

8:45 -- Math

9:45 -- Literature

10:45 -- History

11:45 -- Lunch/Break

1:00 -- Latin

1:30 -- English (Grammar/Comp)

2:30 -- Science or Health

3:00 -- Art or Music

3:30 -- Free Time

4:15 -- Leave for Swimming Practice (M,T, Thurs)



You could have a less "rigid" schedule more like this:


Up, have breakfast and get ready by 7:30am

Morning Chores, Pledge, Math, Literature & History by 12:00

Latin, English, Science/Health, Art/Music done by 3:30

Ready to leave for Swimming on M, T, Thurs by 4:15

Clean up, get ready for bed, and evening chores done by 7:30

Bed time at 8:00pm


For lesson plans, I put the book(s) needed, page #s, problems to complete, and any other necessary information the student would need to complete the assignment properly. You don't have to write everything down, just enough.

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I don't have a 5th grader but I do have a 4th and 6th grader. We have only been schooling this week, but so far our schedule is working out well.


8am--wake up

9am--start school--chemistry together as family


10:00 writing and grammar

10:45 math

11:45-12:15 start eating lunch, pretty lax on this

12:30-12:45 back to school--begin history

1:30-1:45 depending on how long history takes, then he begins Latin

2:00 Geography

3:00 clean up homeschool room and do quick chores

5:30 leave for soccer

8:00-8:30 home from soccer

etc. etc


It has not been consistent. His work does not take him very long to complete. He works ahead on some, chats with his aunt, etc. The school day could technically be completed in 3 hours for him, but I encourage him to work as long as he can.

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