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Handwriting program?


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First of all can anyone tell me what US grade my son would be in? He will be 6 on the 2nd September, so would be 5 almost 6 as he starts the school year. Over here in the UK he would be in yr 1, but I know US is usually a year number behind, I need to know for Ambleside Online.


I want to get a handwriting program for him, we follow Mason. For my 10 yr old dd we used HWT. This is a ball and stick printing program, here in the UK they do a pre-cursive font that is printed but the letters have little flicks on their tails so when they are written next to each other they almost look joined up, this is to get them ready early on for cursive.


What handwriting program do you recommend? What do people like?

If I go with HWT which is the one that starts with lower case as we already had the capital letter one, I just can't remember their names.



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We have always used the D'Nealian handwriting books for our ds. That is what our local school district uses, and is that kind of pre-cursive writing. I also just like the way it looks and our ds has done well with it. As for your son's age/grade...he could either be in K or 1 around here, depending on the school's birthday cutoff dates.



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