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Phonics pathways/PR ? and after PP?


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Ok, so I was able to check out PP from the library to get a look at it. Looking at the reviews and going over them, ds is at the review in mid book with the long word list of 3-4 letter words. He doesn't blend them right off, more like says the first sound, then the second, then the whole word together. Some words he mixes up yet. And, we haven't worked much on spelling, since we're just starting.

I really want to use The Phonics road to spelling and reading, but haven't purchased yet-trying to find at discount price. Until then (or unless I take the plunge) I'm thinking to just use PP. So, I know I should start spelling with all the words up to the review list in PP and work on blending, before we proceed to ending constants right?

For anyone who has used PR, if I can get is fairly soon, how much review/how hard will it be to start in level one, if we are doing PP to start? I'm sure there will be some review, and I guess that will be good.


If I can't get PR, (and I haven't looked beyond gr3 in Twtm), what is after PP? The whole grammar, spelling breakdown in separate curriculum just looks daunting to me in the book, and is another reason I'm wanting PR.


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I've used PP with 2 of my children, and love it. My suggestion is for you to not attempt to use PP as a spelling program. Go back and review the blends until your son is comfortable reading them. You could even start at the beginning. Just focus on reading, don't worry about spelling. I've learned the hard way, slow and steady wins the race. ;)


As far as reading, spelling, and grammar...this is the general outline of LA in my house in the early years for ds7 and what I'm planning for the next 2 when they get there. :D


PrK (@4) Start PP. We move very slowly and repeat entire sections whenever things get difficult. With dd (1) I'll start Queen's Language Lessons for Little Ones Vol. 1 when she's ready to start learning to write. It just teaches letter sounds and very basic words. My goal in using the Queen's Language Lessons is not reading, but rather handwriting, a light review of phonics, and a gentle introduction to language arts.


K (@5) Continue PP. Somewhere around p. 135 in my older edition, the children start to read independently. It's downhill from there. :D We finish the book sometime around their 6th birthday... plus or minus a few months. Ds 7 and I also worked through Queen's Language Lessons for Little Ones Vol. 2. It was a very gentle introduction to handwriting, grammar, and creative writing, along with a review of phonics.


1st (@6) Finish PP. Work through the last book in Queen's Language Lessons for Little Ones Vol. 3. Once PP is finished, we begin spelling. There are many excellent spelling programs to use. I prefer to use Calvert Spelling Cd-roms or Spelling Power. One child is having great success with Apples and Pears Spelling. Spelling Workout is another good spelling program. If you choose, you can also use First Language Lessons and WWE or another grammar and writing program of your choice. I prefer to keep school very gentle in the early years, focusing on reading, handwriting, and math.


2nd grade: Ds7 is starting formal grammar (Rod and Staff), and we're serious about his spelling (while we did spelling last year, it was a very low priority) this year. Most of his formal reading comes from the literature recommendations in Story of the World Activity Guide. :D

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If you choose not to take the plunge financially, Phonics Pathways is a great program. This was our cuddle time on the couch. After we finished PP, we read the next book, Pyramid, which takes the child to 5 syllable words. It was really successful. DS loves reading and I believe it is because he learned so well from PP and Pyramid.

I am sure you will find what works for your child.

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