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More Preschool Advice/Suggestions


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After researching, I am leaning towards the Before FIAR program. This will be in addition to The Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading and BOB books.


So, the BFIAR program gently graces math. I am trying to decide if I should go ahead and add the Saxon Math K as well, or wait until my dd is in Kindergarten. She is eager to learn, but I don't want to do too much too soon.


Also, do any of you have experience with the Horizons Preschool Program? Thank you so much for any advice.


I'm new here, and I see it's a very active/helpful board! :D My earlier post with questions is buried so deep I couldn't find it. :laugh:

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We love Saxon K here, but I strongly feel that it is not for K. My dd is doing it this year as a 3 year old...:001_huh: There isn't any writing, (although there are some sheets to copy off in the back if you wanted to) and it's pretty simple. It's mostly playing with the manipulatives. If you are doing those other programs and want to add a math, I'd do Saxon K this year and not next. Most people here aren't big fans of Saxon K; they say it's too pricey and that you don't need a program for that age. I, however, like a little more hand-holding. :) HTH.


ETA: Oh, if you go with Saxon K, make sure you buy the manipulative kit; I didn't and well, promptly ordered it when I got the book in the mail!

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When we start out homeschooling our first year, we tend to overplan and then find we have to drop some things because we are doing too much. Do you and your dc a favor and start out with Before FIAR and OPG + Bob books as you have planned. After a month or two, then decide if your family should add in math. At this age, formal math is really not necessary unless the child is craving it. (When mine was that age, we focused on learning how to tell time to the hour so that she wouldn't wake us up before 6am. I think that was plenty of math for pre-K beyond the ordinary counting practice that we naturally did all the time.)

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