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The phonics road to spelling and reading


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Has anyone used this curriculum and what have you liked/not liked about it? I'm reading TWTM now, but I feel like I'm going to miss something by using the individual programs, or not put them together right. (Yes, I do know we'll have gaps in the year w/ everything, I'm sure) My dh had gone to some one's house and saw that they were using The Phonics Road to Spelling and Reading and said it was pretty neat from what he observed while he was there.

Does this program work well with the WTM? It looks like it covers a lot. Thanks.

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Guest aquiverfull

Hi and welcome to the board. :)

There are quite a few of us using PR here on the boards. There is a lot of information here at the social group:



You can also do a search on the board and find quite a few threads discussing PR. But I believe that most of those threads are already listed in the social group for easily locating them.

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Has anyone used this curriculum and what have you liked/not liked about it? I'm reading TWTM now, but I feel like I'm going to miss something by using the individual programs, or not put them together right. (Yes, I do know we'll have gaps in the year w/ everything, I'm sure) My dh had gone to some one's house and saw that they were using The Phonics Road to Spelling and Reading and said it was pretty neat from what he observed while he was there.

Does this program work well with the WTM? It looks like it covers a lot. Thanks.

So, I'm extra giddy now b/c your pm said we're in the same county and I'm wondering....is your dh the tech guy?

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The Phonics Road is working well for us so far. I just started looking at the level 2 DVDs.


I feel like level one could use more work on syllabication. I have had to teach specific syllabication lessons to DD to get her spelling two and three syllable words correctly. She needed to understand how a double consonant protects a short vowel, and needed a little more work on open syllables. There are a couple of songs in PR regarding syllabication but we felt the need to work on it a little more.


I also really like Writing With Ease level one and will likely use it again when using PR 1 with DS, for that non-fiction writing practice and exposure to literature and narration, but this is based on what we have already done... I have only seen the first couple of weeks of PR 2 so far.

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