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I have a 4 year old (5 in November), who was writing her letters before I formally taught her. I am now using handwriting without tears to teach her the right way to form her letters. Like for an example, she starts from the bottom when writing her letters. Has anyone else ever dealt with this? I have corrected her in the past, but just started HWT this week. She forms her letters the right way when working in the workbook, but then goes right back to starting from the bottom when writing anything else. I will give her gentle reminders and continue using the program. Do you think this will work?


And my other question is when it comes to spelling? My dd has always asked since she started writing, how do you spell this? And I have always told her. Am I wrong to be doing this? Should I tell her try to sound it out and let her spell it out how she thinks it should be? And then do I correct

her spelling if it's wrong? What should I do?



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and she's almost 6. But with that being said, its gotten much better. I do not sit over her shoulder when she's writing for fun, but I do keep on her during handwriting time to "FOLLOW THE ARROWS". She's free spirited so this does annoy her. . .


As for the spelling, I believe you're doing the right thing. You don't want her having the words stuck in her brain incorrectly.

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My dd7 formed all of her letters from the bottom too (thanks ps:glare:) now that I am working with her from the beginning using italic and I am being very observant and just correcting her every time I see her doing it wrong; even when she is writing in other subjects. She is starting to catch herself now and do it correctly.


As for answering them when they ask how to spell something, I am of two minds on this. For my dd7, I will first ask her how she thinks it should be spelled or at least what she thinks the beginning is. If she gets stuck I will spell it for her. For my dd11, it has become a habit of laziness. She asked me the other day how to spell "broken". This :confused: is the look I gave her and she said nevermind. Now, I will probably direct her to a dictionary in the future.

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We're in the same boat for handwriting, and using HWT. I am trying to convince her that is a right way to form the letters, but then I caught myself writing M and N from the bottom up! :tongue_smilie: Made me wonder how necessary it is!

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