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Afterschoolers and School Board

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I've been thinking strongly about running for our school board in the next election. However, they currently have a vacancy in our township so I'm filing a letter of interest. I was curious if any of you have been or do serve on your school boards. I am also curious what you would want your school board members to know.

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I have never had a desire to run for school board because I am too private. I really doubt I ever will. I do want to work at either the county or state level in curriculum design some day. However here are some things I would like our school board to understand:


1. Fair does not always mean equal. Schools with different demographics have very different needs. A school with no students on free/reduced lunch will have a lot fewer material needs than a school with 85% free/reduced lunch. Staffing needs will also be different.


2. Not all kids are going to college. Let's embrace this fact and prepare kids for life. There should be a wide variety of certified vocational-technical training. And wouldn't it make sense for it to be centralized?


3. Class size does matter. Don't threaten us with class sized of 45 kids in high school.


4. Spend some time in our school buildings during the day. Town Hall meetings in the evening are fine, but get to know the teachers and the kids.


I am sure I will think of more later. Good luck if you decide to do this.

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