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biblioplan - worth it vs. SOTW 2 AG reading list?


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For a second grader? I really like the idea of Biblioplan, and am interested in adding in the church history/Christian aspect more.


I've spent a couple hours putting together a notebook with the AG reading list and checking my library for the books in the SOTW 2 activity guide, and between the 2 close to me they have most of them (at least through chapter 21). Would I be gaining much to also order Biblioplan Middle Ages vs. just getting the AG reading list books?


I really want to know from people who've actually used Biblioplan, and at least looked at the AG for SOTW 2. I don't mind spending the extra $25 for Biblioplan if the book list is in addition to what is in the SOTW2 AG (I would appreciate using the weekly schedule too).


I'm just wondering if it is overkill for a 2nd grader only child?



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I would not buy Biblioplan Year 2 for a second grader. The latter half of the book has NO k-3 suggestions for books. I have both so I actually had to pull out the SOTW AG so that we would have books for that level. Also, I have access to two really good libraries and had a hard time getting many of the books in year 2 for other levels. Just something to think about in case you were hoping to use the library.



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How's the reader list for SOTW 2? The girls will follow assignments by someone else from Mystery of History, but I plan to read some from this book plus the encyclopedias. I'm thinking I don't really need SOTW 2 AG guide, but I feel pulled. I tend to buy too much.

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We used both Biblioplan and picked up books from the AG at the library. This was 3 years ago now, so I may be a bit fuzzy on details. I recall that Biblioplan did not have specific reading for K-2 for the Reformation, but I think that was only the last 3 weeks of the year, not the whole second half. I used Paul Maier's book on Martin Luther which was great. A huge benefit of Biblioplan is that SOTW is weak on the renaissance, which surprised me. Since there is not much in SOTW, there isn't much in the AG either. One very useful addition that came from Biblioplan was Rats, Bulls, and Flying Machines. My general recollection of the AG books is that they are shorter reads. Biblioplan will have more options that are a bit longer. There is always a family read aloud and the 3+ and maybe even 5+ books can be done as read alouds too. The read alouds are one of our favorite parts of history and it's Biblioplan that makes that happen for us. Biblioplan makes that easy to implement but if you don't want to invest in that you can find other book lists to supplement SOTW. Every once in awhile a thread gets started here about listing all of your favorite books for a particular year of a cycle. You could search for old year 2 threads and see what books come up a lot. If they're not in the AG, just add them to your list.

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