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Discovering Mathematics

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My 14 yo dd is beginning 9th grade this Fall. Last year she completed Primary Mathematics 6B and she got about 1/3 of the way through Discovering Mathematics 1A. I am planning on her completing one level of DM each year of high school. I am worried, however, that that will not be enough. Will that be enough to prepare her for the SAT? If not, what should i do? Also, for high school, she is required to have Algebra I and II, Geometry and one other math course of her choosing. Will DM provide this? Should I use something different or supplement? How can I label and award credit for each year of DM?


Thank you in advance,



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If I wind up needing to list our math courses in a more traditional manner they will look like this:


DM 1 - PreAlgebra

DM 2 - Algebra I

DM 3 - Geometry

DM 4 - Algebra II


It doesn't truly break down this way as Singapore covers all of the topics each year, but I do not think the Discovering Mathematics books go beyond a typical Algebra II course. We are planning to supplement with some Art of Problem Solving classes.

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My 14 yo dd is beginning 9th grade this Fall. Last year she completed Primary Mathematics 6B and she got about 1/3 of the way through Discovering Mathematics 1A. I am planning on her completing one level of DM each year of high school. I am worried, however, that that will not be enough. Will that be enough to prepare her for the SAT? If not, what should i do?


I believe the SAT has Algebra I, II, and Geometry, right? Because of the way DM has the three subjects spread out and intermingled, I would think that you would want to finish all four before taking the SATs. But don't quote me on that, as I'm not 100% sure about what is covered on the SAT.


Also, for high school, she is required to have Algebra I and II, Geometry and one other math course of her choosing. Will DM provide this? How can I label and award credit for each year of DM?


You could just call it Math 1, Math 2, Math 3, Math 4, and in the course description explain that the texts were integrated Alg 1, 2, and Geometry.

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