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Has anyone recently bought vol 1 all in one bundle with the audio cd? I can't seem to find it for a decent price with the cd. Is the cd vital to the curriculum? This will be our first year using this. :)

thanks in advance,


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Has anyone recently bought vol 1 all in one bundle with the audio cd? I can't seem to find it for a decent price with the cd. Is the cd vital to the curriculum? This will be our first year using this. :)

thanks in advance,



No, the CD is not at all vital. It's just an audio book of the SOTW book that you can have your kids listen to if you don't want to read the book to them, or have them read it themselves. All you really need is the book itself and the activity book. The student pages are in the activity book, or you CAN buy them separately as a set, but you don't have to, you can just make copies from the activity book. The tests are also optional--if you like giving your child tests, use them, but if not their narrations and activities will give you a good idea of whether they understand the material.


HTH. :)


ETA: Sorry, didn't see your other question at first. It's a fairly neutral book religiously. It does include the stories of Abraham, Joseph (in Egypt), Moses, and Jesus. It also includes stories about the origins of Hinduism and Buddhism as well as stories about the gods of Egypt, Greece, Rome, and other civilizations. All of these are presented pretty much in the sense of "This civilization believed such and such. Here is a story from that tradition." I like this approach because it helps my kids see what other people have thought about religion and learn to see our own beliefs in their historical context. But I definitely don't use this book for religious instruction.

Edited by MamaSheep
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I used STOW vol 1 without the Cd. I did buy it for vol 2 this year so the kids will listen in the van.

Vol 1 does not mention creation. So I started history with the Bible about creation. Every time it talked about the gods of this and that religion, I saw this as an opportunity to tell the children the difference between these gods and the Real God. It was very good for us this way, cause we always stopped and talked about the real God.

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We've been using SOTW without the CD.


We've only just finished Chapter 10 of Volume 1 but so far like someone else said it's pretty neutral when it comes to religion, which works for me, since I am a more secular homeschooler. I'm sure others who are Christian could still supplement/converse as desired to round it out to be MORE religious if they wanted it to be.

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