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urinary tract infection in kids ? maybe red dye?

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Son has had two "accidents" this week, out of nowhere, for what appears to be for no reason. I'm really puzzled and figure it may be a UTI and will call the dr in the morning.


I had wondered about red dye ~ I NEVER let the kids by kool-aid mix and Monday I let them buy several packages of red mix since it's been getting hot already here, and tjeu have been drinking it in the afternoons, like the have never had kool-aid before. Both of these "accidents" have happened since then, once on Tueday and once today.


Is it possible that the red kool-aid had anything to do with it? or just a coincidence?

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I can't answer the dye question but is it possible that he is just drinking a lot more than he is used to? Just a thought since the kool-aid would be considered a real treat.


DD8 has had a couple UTIs and yes, we usually notice something is wrong when she starts having accidents. But, it starts happening every day or even a couple times a day.


Stop the kool-aid and give it a couple days. If he continues to have accidents, have him checked for UTI.



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For what it is worth, constipation can be a leading cause of accidents and UTI infections. My youngest has to see a Pediatric Urologist, and has had chronic UTI infections...the cause???? well the cause is that she is constipated, Urologist has her taking medicine daily to help with that and has me really bulking up her fiber. The result is that in the last 7 months she has not had one UTI. He told me it is so common, he sees several cases daily of UTI that is directly related to constipation and that the parents are shocked by this. I was, but all the testing proved he was right and now I have a happy kid who doesn't have tummy aches or accidents or those nasty Uti infections. Just a thought to consider.

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Son has been on Miralax for a few years for constipation, and diet changes, but I did run out of medicine two weeks ago, (we didn't use it every day, but about every other day)....and he's been complaining about his tummy hurting (really his abdomen).


So, we'll cut the liquids as much and call the doc and get that prescription refilled and see what happens. Thanks for the tip. We have been to see a pediatric specialist for all this, but I didn't know UTI could be a associated with it.



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I would bet the Miralax will help! This Urologist told me that the constipation issue is HUGE in children under 12 and so often undiagnosed. Miralax is OVER THE COUNTER now so we don't have to a prescription anymore. Sam's Club has 2 large container for about $20 something, which is way cheaper than Walgreens or CVS.

By the way, this Urologist says to "train" the colon it takes a minimum of 6 months, using it everyday and then you can cut back to every other day till you ween off. He is very very big on the Yogurt with the live cultures that helps with the digestive system.

How much Miralax do you use? He still has dd on one full capful everyday, but in another 2 months we will cut back. This poor kid has seen more specialist than you can think of because we always thought she had horrible diarrhea, which in reality, was constipation which he caught. I'm just glad she is doing better, hope your son will be doing better soon!

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  • 3 years later...
Guest rachelxxx

I had a UTI and was given antibiotics drink tons of green tea or linden tea to help ease the pain for sure. Then what you can do is drink or make your own strong natural cranberry juice or ocean spray cran juice preferably the diet one since it contains less sugar. Lack of water is the reason why I got a UTI in the first place. No Orange juice and just go to the Dr it's time consuming but if you know for sure you have a UTI they will give you the antibiotics and you will feel better in 1-2 days. My dr. advised me using ADULT DIAPERS . Thanks :)

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