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Harp and Laurel Wreath - How do you use it?


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I try to pick something that goes with what we are studying or the time of year. Near the 4th of July, I try to pick patriotic poems etc. It hasn't been a big hit with my son. He tells me that boys don't like poetry. :lol:This year I am doing Connecting with History and using their poetry/Bible verses for copywork. I'm just tired this year..or maybe it's lazy.:)


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I have been using it as copywork and poetry memorization. I have each dc choose a poem from the "stage" that corresponds to their ability and they spend a week or two memorizing that poem. For example, every couple of days my oldest will copy one stanza of her poem into her poetry journal and then work on memorizing it over the next day. On the third day she will write the next stanza..and so on. My youngest only writes one line at a time. When they get to harder and longer selections they may only write a few lines at a time to work on instead of a whole stanza.


I leave it up to them to choose what poem to work on. This has the added benefit of requiring them to read many of the poems in order to choose one they want to memorize.

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