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Come and see some good country cooking

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Ummmm, Melissa. I know this is a new board and all, but I believe all the same rules apply. You broke the biggest one of them all - you may not post pictures of food and NOT post the recipe!!!!! Your board status is in serious jeopardy. Please correct this immediatelly!!!!


(LOL, of course!)


PS Your ds is really cute!!!! How old is he?

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LOL! Thanks, he is 6 1/2 (those fractional parts are very important at that age!). He's a hoot!


We have a butcher shop in town that is awesome. THey have real meat -- not injected with stuff. They were cutting up a country ham the other day when I was in there so I asked for some. Oh man! It was the best ever. He told me to put water in the pan with the ham to cut back the saltiness and that did the trick. It was also much more tender that way.


This was a no recipe kind of meal. Well, biscuits came from Better Homes and Gardens but the rest, nothing. Just easy country home cooking. Like I grew up on. THought my kids needed to to experience that too!

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Julie, that's awesome! Great job -- it looks hard. I got started on the one I was asking about last night. I cast on and looked down to my cat playing with the yarn. No big deal. Umm, yes big deal. He bit through the yarn! Had to start over again! LOL!


Yes those are French Countryside. They are great -- and so old. I got them for college graduation. I don't quite have the full set anymore. :( A few casualties have occurred.


I am enjoying the knitting. I have a cloth started for my little guy. He wanted a red one. Next time I get to the "city" where they have craft stores, I want to get some circulars to learn on. I am gearing up to learn how to make socks.


Thanks for showing me your cloth. It is beautiful!

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Julie, that's awesome! Great job -- it looks hard. Thanks for showing me your cloth. It is beautiful!


Good luck with the socks, but chances are you will need double point needles for those. I've tried socks, but man it just goes round and round and round :eek: I guess that's why I'm a dishcloth queen! Quick and satisfying. I'm trying to work on some fingerless gloves - eek!

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