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Well, this is a first!

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Dh actually sent me to the hive for information :lol: He is really has come to respect my cyberspace support network :) Love you guys...


We bit the bullet last night and put down a deposit on a Select soccer team for our soccer nut ds. The only problem is, the entire team is hispanic and we aren't sure if ANY of them speak English. The coach can hold simple conversation, but he will be doing his coaching in Spanish. We actually love the idea because DS has been working on Rosetta Stone Spanish for 2 years now and this will renew his motivation to learn it quickly. The only problem is that the Spanish he will need to learn is soccer-specific and I don't think it will be covered on Rosetta stone. Is there a resource that you know of (other than watching the Spanish soccer broadcasting, which he always does already) that will help our family learn enough to integrate into the "family" of the team. This will be total language immersion at it's best! Any suggestions?

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Hm I don't know! But perhaps if you can find someone who speaks both English and Spanish fluently (maybe you could even try leaving a message for the Spanish teacher at your local area high school for instance) and can talk to them, maybe you'd be able to give them a basic list of soccer terms, which they can translate into Spanish for you guys to become familiar with and try practicing a bit or something?

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If this is your 5th grader I am willing to bet that many of the boys are bilingual. They would have to be to get through school. Maybe one or two of them can help him with basic vocabulary?


The parents of dd's bff are not fluent in English, but all of the kids are.


Yes, it is my 5th grader. True! All of the kids speak Spanish on the field, but that doesn't mean that they don't know English. Once he makes some friends I'm sure they will help him know what they (and coach) are saying. And kids learn language so easily... it's Dh and I that will need the most help:lol:.


Dh mentioned last night that we are going to need to learn things like slang and curse words so that we can know if any issues are arising... I hadn't even thought of that. From what I have seen, though, the boys on our team are very nice young men, and the coach is not one of those overly aggressive/mean types that some of the teams have (which is one reason he tried out for this team). I think it will be a great fit for him. :001_smile:

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Hm I don't know! But perhaps if you can find someone who speaks both English and Spanish fluently (maybe you could even try leaving a message for the Spanish teacher at your local area high school for instance) and can talk to them, maybe you'd be able to give them a basic list of soccer terms, which they can translate into Spanish for you guys to become familiar with and try practicing a bit or something?


We googled and found a list of translated soccer terms that should help us... good thought!

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